In a recent episode of the podcast, we went ahead and dove into some of the lessons we’ve learned from Star Wars. During the conversation I had mentioned one of the reasons why I enjoy Star Wars to the extent

Hoth Topics: A Star Wars Podcast
We Can Bring You In Hoth, Or We Can Brin You In Coldth
In a recent episode of the podcast, we went ahead and dove into some of the lessons we’ve learned from Star Wars. During the conversation I had mentioned one of the reasons why I enjoy Star Wars to the extent
Join our intrepid hosts as they dive into the Episode 9 cast list (at least what we know so far). Our hopes and fears over the castings and what we think of JJ’s revelation that of Carrie Fisher’s involvement in
Jon and also Ian reflect on the past week of San Diego Comic Con. Cool things we saw. Cool People we talked to, cool costumes we wore, etc. So sit back and buckle up, because Hoth Topics is comin’ at
I owe George Lucas an apology. When I was younger, I was one of the negative fans who bashed him for the quality Prequel movies. Not with any basis in cinematic criticism, not because my actual opinion of them was
Ian recently helped out on a film crew for an Indie Film. While on set, he struck up a number of Star Wars conversation with other crew members. In this, the second, episode of Echo Base Nights, Ian relates the
We can fight and argue all day about what Star Wars media is good or bad, but I feel like we all can agree on one thing; the Prop and Costume Departments are on point. **For a quick primer on
Salutations my Wuvable Wampas, We honestly could not come up with a better title for this one. I take that back, it was going to be called “Flying Solo with Mike” as my room mate Mike guests on the show.