Well, for SDCC 2024 I went a little overboard. I added another new costume to the Star Tours Crew; A Star Tourist. As well as made a few additions to the existing costumes. First Off the OG Costumes (the ones
Tag: Star Tours

Imperial Prop-A-Ganda: Star Tours Flight Crew Part Threeve?
Upgrades, Modifications, and New Additions. It’s been many a year since I’ve added any posts about the misc updates I’ve done to these costumes! With 2022/2023 being the return of SDCC after the Covid lock downs I was able to

Episode 56 – The Dead Speak
O-M-Grogu you guys! We are back! Or are We? Mysteries abound as hosts Jon and also Ian go unravel Star Wars Celebration 2022. Obi Wan reveals? New Mando leaks? We don’t have any of that! Just two guys talking about

Episode 52 – Pardon the Interruption
*note, we recorded whits over Discord and both of our ‘professional’ hosts forgot to plug in their good mics. Both of our computers defaulted to the only available mics (Jon’s internal wireless headset mic and Ian’s webcam. Soooo just a

Imperial Prop-A-Ganda: Star Tours Ground Crew Flight Suit (for Ian!) pt 3
To get Caught up on this now multi-year build, check out the two previous posts here: Part 1 (ouch, I estimated this would be done for Wondercon ’18, oops) Part 2 I last updated this project… I think in February

Echo Base Nights – Episode 8: WonderCon Anaheim 2019
Ian And Jon went to Wondercon Anahiem 2019. And they went in style, well, Star Wars style. Join us this week as we reminisce about WCA…since we didn’t get to go to Celebration Chicago. Also, for fun, here are some

Imperial Prop-A-Ganda: Star Tours Ground Crew Flight Suit (for Ian!) pt 2
Welcome to Part 2 of Another Star Tours Costume Build. If this is you first time here, check out Part One here to get caught up! Whence we last off, I had just come up with a prototype outline for

Imperial Prop-A-Ganda: More Star Tours Shenanigans
I know, “More Star Tours Jon?”. Yes. All Day. Every Day. If I had the knowledge and skill, I’d be making this post about building my own RX series pilot droid (or DJ, since that is what Capt RX will

Imperial Prop-A-Ganda: Flights Now Departing (Star Tours costume wrap up)
San Diego Comic-Con started a week ago. That’s crazy to me. already a week has passed since I drove down to (the formally Qualcomm) Stadium hoped on a trolley and was part of the one of the largest gatherings of

Imperial Prop-A-Ganda: Star Tours Flight Crew
O M GOSH. Literally one week to go and a whole mess of work to do to get these costumes done on time. When we last left our brave…co-host… I had ‘finished’ the majority of the work on the top