Are you like me (Jon) and find that playing Battlefront II isn’t enough? Do you analyze the ground battles in the Star Wars films and come up with better infantry tactics that would have led to other outcomes? Does running

Hoth Topics: A Star Wars Podcast
We Can Bring You In Hoth, Or We Can Brin You In Coldth
Are you like me (Jon) and find that playing Battlefront II isn’t enough? Do you analyze the ground battles in the Star Wars films and come up with better infantry tactics that would have led to other outcomes? Does running
Ian And Jon went to Wondercon Anahiem 2019. And they went in style, well, Star Wars style. Join us this week as we reminisce about WCA…since we didn’t get to go to Celebration Chicago. Also, for fun, here are some
*I’m using the same blaster as from the last post because I only bought one. I highly recommend that if you are starting this post with a fresh blaster, that you DO NOT paint it before hand. No point in
O M GOSH. Literally one week to go and a whole mess of work to do to get these costumes done on time. When we last left our brave…co-host… I had ‘finished’ the majority of the work on the top
We can fight and argue all day about what Star Wars media is good or bad, but I feel like we all can agree on one thing; the Prop and Costume Departments are on point. **For a quick primer on
A quick Anoat! Get it? a Quick…Note! It’s a play on the planet Anoat in the Anoat Sector. It’s the same sector Hoth is in! And we are Hoth Topics! NEXT LEVEL WORD PLAY. Wondercon Anaheim was held over three