Upgrades, Modifications, and New Additions. It’s been many a year since I’ve added any posts about the misc updates I’ve done to these costumes! With 2022/2023 being the return of SDCC after the Covid lock downs I was able to

Hoth Topics: A Star Wars Podcast
We Can Bring You In Hoth, Or We Can Brin You In Coldth
Upgrades, Modifications, and New Additions. It’s been many a year since I’ve added any posts about the misc updates I’ve done to these costumes! With 2022/2023 being the return of SDCC after the Covid lock downs I was able to
To get Caught up on this now multi-year build, check out the two previous posts here: Part 1 (ouch, I estimated this would be done for Wondercon ’18, oops) Part 2 I last updated this project… I think in February
Galaxy’s Edge is open and both Disney location now and I still haven’t gone. One of these days I will, maybe after Rise of The Resistance opens up. I know a few people that aren’t interested in the Star Wars
Welcome to Part 2 of Another Star Tours Costume Build. If this is you first time here, check out Part One here to get caught up! Whence we last off, I had just come up with a prototype outline for