Welcome to Echo Base Nights. As you may have read in the post-script of our last post, that Echo Base Nights is where we will be publishing our content cut from longer episodes and also shorter discussions. Our inaugural episode,

Hoth Topics: A Star Wars Podcast
We Can Bring You In Hoth, Or We Can Brin You In Coldth
Welcome to Echo Base Nights. As you may have read in the post-script of our last post, that Echo Base Nights is where we will be publishing our content cut from longer episodes and also shorter discussions. Our inaugural episode,
Greetings People of the Galaxy! Ian here, and I wanted to take a minute to update you all on some goings on behind the scenes of Hoth Topics. Before we get into it though, I want to thank everyone who
We can fight and argue all day about what Star Wars media is good or bad, but I feel like we all can agree on one thing; the Prop and Costume Departments are on point. **For a quick primer on
Tek’ma’tek my Wonderful Wiley Womprats, When Solo was announced, I found myself thinking “meh, could be worse film ideas chosen”. I’m not too keen on a Obi-Wan standalone as I cant see how sitting in a desert watching a child
Salutations my Wuvable Wampas, We honestly could not come up with a better title for this one. I take that back, it was going to be called “Flying Solo with Mike” as my room mate Mike guests on the show.