**SPOILERS** We deep dive into the latest and last of the Skywalker movies! Join Ian, Jon, and Roommate Mike as we talk about our favorite and not as favorite parts of the film. Ian and Jon prerecorded a quick hopes

Hoth Topics: A Star Wars Podcast
We Can Bring You In Hoth, Or We Can Brin You In Coldth
**SPOILERS** We deep dive into the latest and last of the Skywalker movies! Join Ian, Jon, and Roommate Mike as we talk about our favorite and not as favorite parts of the film. Ian and Jon prerecorded a quick hopes
Welcome to Hoth Pockets, formally called “A Quick Anoat…” before Ian informed that the cannon pronunciation of “Anoat” is not “a-note”, but more like “an-o-ought”. So I went with a different pun. ‘Cuz Puns is Funs! With Rise of Skywalker doin’ alright
There are so many rumors floating around about what is being green lit for the Disney streaming service. This week, Ian and “Jon” brainstorm what they would like to see. Or even what they don’t want to see. (Cover Image
Resistance Recon is back and this time we are covering three whole episodes of this animated series (episodes 5-7), just not the most recent one… Take a trip to the Colossus with us and catch up on the hottest Star
San Diego Comic-Con started a week ago. That’s crazy to me. already a week has passed since I drove down to (the formally Qualcomm) Stadium hoped on a trolley and was part of the one of the largest gatherings of
This week, Ian, Jon and Mike wrap up their Solo: A Star Wars Story movie-film review/discussion. That’s pretty much it, just more Solo talk. Still here? Why? This ain’t no Marvel Movie. No Post Credits Scene down here. How did
*note from Jon, In The Edit Bay: I forgot to Bypass the Compressor when I was getting ready to publish this episode. If you have downloaded this episode on 6/4/18, please delete it and re download. Apparently I cut Mike’s
Over the past week, Ian and I saw Solo twice in theaters. Once on Thursday (5/24) at the TCL Chinese Theater IMAX as part of a special event put on by the Scum and Villainy Cantina in Hollywood and once
Tek’ma’tek my Wonderful Wiley Womprats, When Solo was announced, I found myself thinking “meh, could be worse film ideas chosen”. I’m not too keen on a Obi-Wan standalone as I cant see how sitting in a desert watching a child
Jon and Ian sit down and go over the broad topic of fan service, what it is, how it’s done, and some examples of the good, the bad, and the confusing. Also Available on YouTube! Questions, Comments, Topic Ideas?