Ahhh, the Good ‘Ole A280, back bone of the Rebel Alliances ground forces. This particular model of blaster, however, has a bit of a strange history prop wise. The blaster first appeared in Empire Strikes Back as the main battle

Hoth Topics: A Star Wars Podcast
We Can Bring You In Hoth, Or We Can Brin You In Coldth
Ahhh, the Good ‘Ole A280, back bone of the Rebel Alliances ground forces. This particular model of blaster, however, has a bit of a strange history prop wise. The blaster first appeared in Empire Strikes Back as the main battle
This time around we lightly touch on Star Wars news post D23. Then we talk about Laser Guns, Laserless Shivs, and Laser Swords. We round it all out by paying respect to a friend who has become One With The
Are you like me (Jon) and find that playing Battlefront II isn’t enough? Do you analyze the ground battles in the Star Wars films and come up with better infantry tactics that would have led to other outcomes? Does running
* Please note, I very much dislike when I’m looking at a prop tutorial that says its a “build X from things laying around your house” and half way through it the builder says something like “…once that’s dry, glue
*I’m using the same blaster as from the last post because I only bought one. I highly recommend that if you are starting this post with a fresh blaster, that you DO NOT paint it before hand. No point in
*this is a multipart tutorial on how to convert the Rubies E-11 blaster into something well, more. Each post will continue off of the previous one until we have a ‘Screen Accurate’ blaster. Also, use safety items when you need
Well, it’s Halloween season. All of the stores are filled with costume and costume accessories for pretty cheap (not as cheap as they will be Nov. 1st of course). Most of the off the shelf Star Wars items are a