I meant to publish this a week ago. My Bad. I got way behind on my Star Tours costumes. Also Comic Con was happening. -jon Well it’s the day before San Diego Comic Con and I didn’t get as far

We Can Bring You In Hoth, Or We Can Brin You In Coldth
I meant to publish this a week ago. My Bad. I got way behind on my Star Tours costumes. Also Comic Con was happening. -jon Well it’s the day before San Diego Comic Con and I didn’t get as far
Do you find yourself staring at the mirror wondering: What do two grown men think of a cartoon geared towards younger female fans? Is there more to Hoth Topics than just Auditory Gold? What exactly did we talk about in
O M GOSH. Literally one week to go and a whole mess of work to do to get these costumes done on time. When we last left our brave…co-host… I had ‘finished’ the majority of the work on the top
Welcome back to Prop-A-Ganda! Today we nearly wrap up my General Maximilian Veers/AT-AT Commander armor/ Costume build. Last time we left off on the Helmet, but this time I want to talk about the armor. As mentioned in the last
Last week I made a post about my General Veers/AT-AT commander build that has taken me over a year to get finished (I’ve been hella lazy). That costume is just one of the child-like wish fulfillment projects I will be
*Disclaimer: Ian and Jon are not professional musicians, or really remember anything apart from a few lessons from Middle School/High School band classes. If you find yourself aggravated and annoyed with our dissection of the Film Scores of the Prequels,
Part 1: Why a Veers kit & Helmet Build Ever since I learned of the 501st Legion costume group I’ve wanted to be a part of it. Why haven’t I? Well, like Luke Skywalker, I’m a little short to be
I owe George Lucas an apology. When I was younger, I was one of the negative fans who bashed him for the quality Prequel movies. Not with any basis in cinematic criticism, not because my actual opinion of them was
This week, Ian, Jon and Mike wrap up their Solo: A Star Wars Story movie-film review/discussion. That’s pretty much it, just more Solo talk. Still here? Why? This ain’t no Marvel Movie. No Post Credits Scene down here. How did
Anyone who has been with us so far on this Hoth Topics journey knows that I am no stranger to strong opinions when it comes to Star Wars. It’s one of the running jokes we have. Believe it or not,