A crippled ship and a hungry child, will Mando be able make it to Trask and find his Kin? Ian, Jon, and Straight Facts Mike smell something fishy about Chapter 11 of the Mandalorian. Questions or Comments? Send us

We Can Bring You In Hoth, Or We Can Brin You In Coldth
A crippled ship and a hungry child, will Mando be able make it to Trask and find his Kin? Ian, Jon, and Straight Facts Mike smell something fishy about Chapter 11 of the Mandalorian. Questions or Comments? Send us
The Mando just defeated the largest enemy yet and is close to finding more Mandalorians to help him on his quest. But first he must give someone a Lyft and go at Uber slow speeds with precious cargo brought on
Ian and Jon are joined by Straight Facts Mike (formally Roommate Mike, still roommate though, just with more Straight Facts), an MMO player, to take a look at the newest Raid Boss in The Mandalorian. He helps us find the
Mando Season Two is upon us. Jon and also that Ian fella have a quick discussion about their hopes and dreams and probably some stuff about the upcoming season. Complaints or Contradictions can be sent to Ian, specifically at
Ian and Jon went and saw Empire Strikes Back in one of them there movie picture cinemas places! How was it on a big screen? Were the soft pretzels worth it? Why did Jon wear all his Ewok gear to
Ahhh, the Good ‘Ole A280, back bone of the Rebel Alliances ground forces. This particular model of blaster, however, has a bit of a strange history prop wise. The blaster first appeared in Empire Strikes Back as the main battle
Whoa, it’s been awhile hasn’t it? This week we get caught up on what we’ve been up to and also get to learn what some of our listeners have been doing in these stressful times. Special thanks to Ewok, Sloan,
Spoilers and Such 4 more episodes get covered this week! Kaz meets an archaeologist, The Doza’s have secret plans, Jon mishears important info about race a wager, and Kaz learns that the real curse is the journey we made as
In the far reaches of the edges of the galaxy, dragon roam. This week we cover three more episodes of Star Wars Resistance that unintentionally may or may not have dragons… This week we cover: SE204 – Hunt on Celsor
Keep your helmets on and join us for one wild jetpack ride as Jon, Ian, and returning guest Roommate Mike take a look at the end of The Mandalorians first season. Spoilers for the last three episodes, obviously 😉