Over the past week, Ian and I saw Solo twice in theaters. Once on Thursday (5/24) at the TCL Chinese Theater IMAX as part of a special event put on by the Scum and Villainy Cantina in Hollywood and once

Hoth Topics: A Star Wars Podcast
We Can Bring You In Hoth, Or We Can Brin You In Coldth
Over the past week, Ian and I saw Solo twice in theaters. Once on Thursday (5/24) at the TCL Chinese Theater IMAX as part of a special event put on by the Scum and Villainy Cantina in Hollywood and once
…is completely empty. Now, this isn’t because there aren’t any shows out there I enjoy or that the ones that exist I consider bad or anything. I’m also definitely not trying to say that Hoth Topics is so superior to
Tek’ma’tek my Wonderful Wiley Womprats, When Solo was announced, I found myself thinking “meh, could be worse film ideas chosen”. I’m not too keen on a Obi-Wan standalone as I cant see how sitting in a desert watching a child
Greetings our faithful Wampas, Here at Hoth Topics: A Star Wars Podcast, we try to get you a new, fresh, and thought provoking show twice a month. However due to a so called “illness”, we have been unable to record
A quick Anoat! Get it? a Quick…Note! It’s a play on the planet Anoat in the Anoat Sector. It’s the same sector Hoth is in! And we are Hoth Topics! NEXT LEVEL WORD PLAY. Wondercon Anaheim was held over three