There is an observable trend happening on the Internet that is simply baffling to me. We’ve all seen it. A certain subset of our community will venomously revolt against the notion of anyone that doesn’t fit their image of a

Hoth Topics: A Star Wars Podcast
We Can Bring You In Hoth, Or We Can Brin You In Coldth
There is an observable trend happening on the Internet that is simply baffling to me. We’ve all seen it. A certain subset of our community will venomously revolt against the notion of anyone that doesn’t fit their image of a
If you’re at all familiar with our podcast, you know that I am a big Jedi fanboy. I fully admit this. I am a proud supporter of the idea of the Jedi. Now, there are plenty of discussions to be
In a recent episode of the podcast, we went ahead and dove into some of the lessons we’ve learned from Star Wars. During the conversation I had mentioned one of the reasons why I enjoy Star Wars to the extent
I owe George Lucas an apology. When I was younger, I was one of the negative fans who bashed him for the quality Prequel movies. Not with any basis in cinematic criticism, not because my actual opinion of them was
Anyone who has been with us so far on this Hoth Topics journey knows that I am no stranger to strong opinions when it comes to Star Wars. It’s one of the running jokes we have. Believe it or not,
Greetings People of the Galaxy! Ian here, and I wanted to take a minute to update you all on some goings on behind the scenes of Hoth Topics. Before we get into it though, I want to thank everyone who