Welcome back to Prop-A-Ganda! Today we nearly wrap up my General Maximilian Veers/AT-AT Commander armor/ Costume build. Last time we left off on the Helmet, but this time I want to talk about the armor. As mentioned in the last

Hoth Topics: A Star Wars Podcast
We Can Bring You In Hoth, Or We Can Brin You In Coldth
Welcome back to Prop-A-Ganda! Today we nearly wrap up my General Maximilian Veers/AT-AT Commander armor/ Costume build. Last time we left off on the Helmet, but this time I want to talk about the armor. As mentioned in the last
Last week I made a post about my General Veers/AT-AT commander build that has taken me over a year to get finished (I’ve been hella lazy). That costume is just one of the child-like wish fulfillment projects I will be
*Disclaimer: Ian and Jon are not professional musicians, or really remember anything apart from a few lessons from Middle School/High School band classes. If you find yourself aggravated and annoyed with our dissection of the Film Scores of the Prequels,
Part 1: Why a Veers kit & Helmet Build Ever since I learned of the 501st Legion costume group I’ve wanted to be a part of it. Why haven’t I? Well, like Luke Skywalker, I’m a little short to be
This week, Ian, Jon and Mike wrap up their Solo: A Star Wars Story movie-film review/discussion. That’s pretty much it, just more Solo talk. Still here? Why? This ain’t no Marvel Movie. No Post Credits Scene down here. How did
*note from Jon, In The Edit Bay: I forgot to Bypass the Compressor when I was getting ready to publish this episode. If you have downloaded this episode on 6/4/18, please delete it and re download. Apparently I cut Mike’s
Over the past week, Ian and I saw Solo twice in theaters. Once on Thursday (5/24) at the TCL Chinese Theater IMAX as part of a special event put on by the Scum and Villainy Cantina in Hollywood and once
…is completely empty. Now, this isn’t because there aren’t any shows out there I enjoy or that the ones that exist I consider bad or anything. I’m also definitely not trying to say that Hoth Topics is so superior to
Ian recently helped out on a film crew for an Indie Film. While on set, he struck up a number of Star Wars conversation with other crew members. In this, the second, episode of Echo Base Nights, Ian relates the
*Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this podcast specifically by Ian are those of Ian and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of anyone else at Hoth Topics. Do not attempt to question Ian’s motives or