This week we talk with Jason from the podcast “A Conversation With..” (and a few others). We go over the proper way to watch the original trilogy, how to introduce your own youngling to the universe and just how wrong

Hoth Topics: A Star Wars Podcast
We Can Bring You In Hoth, Or We Can Brin You In Coldth
This week we talk with Jason from the podcast “A Conversation With..” (and a few others). We go over the proper way to watch the original trilogy, how to introduce your own youngling to the universe and just how wrong
Resistance Recon is back and this time we are covering three whole episodes of this animated series (episodes 5-7), just not the most recent one… Take a trip to the Colossus with us and catch up on the hottest Star
Remember when we did that ‘Music of the Prequels” episode? Well, we took that format and covered it in a shiny new Original Trilogy…covering? This week we talk about our favorite tracks from the Pre-Sequels to hum along with in
All Hallows Eve is just around the corner. The cackling of Dathomir Witches and the tormented wails of Force Ghosts, unable to move beyond this earthly realm, abound. This week , Ian goes over some things that are little creepy
* Please note, I very much dislike when I’m looking at a prop tutorial that says its a “build X from things laying around your house” and half way through it the builder says something like “…once that’s dry, glue
*I’m using the same blaster as from the last post because I only bought one. I highly recommend that if you are starting this post with a fresh blaster, that you DO NOT paint it before hand. No point in
*this is a multipart tutorial on how to convert the Rubies E-11 blaster into something well, more. Each post will continue off of the previous one until we have a ‘Screen Accurate’ blaster. Also, use safety items when you need
Well, it’s Halloween season. All of the stores are filled with costume and costume accessories for pretty cheap (not as cheap as they will be Nov. 1st of course). Most of the off the shelf Star Wars items are a
Star Wars: Resistance is out and we are adding to the cacophony of reviews that we are sure you’ve already listened to! How is Ian dealing with the seemingly lack of Force Wizards? Will the lack of a land mass
Too lazy to go out and buy Solo? Never fear, Hoth Topics is here to go over all the special features you could shake a vibro-stick at! We discuss the deleted scenes, a few featurettes and even try to help