Tek’ma’tek my Wonderful Wiley Womprats,
When Solo was announced, I found myself thinking “meh, could be worse film ideas chosen”. I’m not too keen on a Obi-Wan standalone as I cant see how sitting in a desert watching a child and trying not to interfere with it could be interesting for the average movie goer. I could be wrong I thought the Jumanji sequel would be garbage and enjoyed it way too much because the movie recognized its own ridiculousness and that allowed me to sit back and just enjoy it.
The more I see and read about Solo, the more I’m getting excited for it. In a Star Wars Show interview with the Kasdan’s, ‘Larry’ Kasdan mentioned they didn’t set out to make an origin story (though it looks like we are kind of getting that), but what could be just another crazy adventure from Solo’s youth. We’re are going to have a Star Wars film that doesn’t (at this time) seem to have Fate of The Galaxy consequences, which is what I was hoping for with the stand alone films. It has been rumored that Lord and Miller’s departure from the project was due to their approach being a little too light-hearted. I love Ron Howard’s work, but, sincerely hope (Rebellions are built on this allegedly) that they don’t try to go for Oscar Gold and keep the film just a fun action-adventure.

That’s what these stand alone films should be. Fun. Not thought provoking or world changing. Just, fun. I want to sit down for an hour and a half just. Get. Lost. Is the world ready for a film like that which just happens to take place in the Star Wars universe? Is the Star Wars Fandom ready? Do we deserve it with all the toxicity and vitriol we are tend to throw at anyone and everyone involved in the films since the Disney acquisition? Can we, as a fandom, forget this ‘Damned Fool’s Crusade’ and enjoy a universe where capes are fashionable and tactical?

I can’t answer that and you know what? I don’t even want to. I’m not here to tell you that the only Star Wars is the Original Theatrical cut. Or to pick apart the films to select which ones I think should be cannon and what shouldn’t be considered a Star Wars.
With all that said, below I’ve posted a edited/remix version of the Solo trailer that encompasses the tone I hope this movie has.
**Jon’s Misguided Opinions Article Over**
On a side note Episode 6 has been recorded and edited down and should be available in the next week. So, that will be cool.
See yall…in your…ears? ‘cuz we are a podcast? you know…man, this is getting weird….